Mesothelioma cure with Pranayam

Mesothelioma is cancer of chest, and there other all kinds of things I can go on and on. If you want to protect yourself from mesothelioma lung cancer you will have to do breathing exercises(Pranayam) to make your lungs cells stronger to fight cancer and increase your immunity so you never have mesothelioma cancer.
Pranayam helps increase oxygen level in the blood and body cells. Doctors say the cancer cells do not thrive in oxygenated environment. So pranayam does same for your blood and cells, it increase oxygen level in your blood stream making it difficult for mesothelioma cancer take root in your lungs.
So do pranayam every day for 1 Hour and protect your self from mesothelioma and all other forms of cancer, live a disease free life of hundred years with strong immunity.
Pranayam can help heal the mesothelioma cancer, with your cancer treatment add pranayam in morning and evening for 1 hour each time. Drink wheat grass juice. And do lots Bhastrika, Kapalbhati and Anulomvilom until you fix your cancer for ever.
The best part if you do pranayam the chances of reoccurance decrease. You will not have to live in fear of cancer coming back in your body.