Naturopathy is an alternative paradigm of medicine that focuses on nature's remedy and the body's intrinsic ability to heal itself. Naturopathy replaces or greatly diminishes the use of drugs, surgery and chemotherapy in favor of a holistic approach through the use of mineral, diet, and lifestyle-based remedies. While Naturopathy has roots in the Nature Cure movement in Europe, it is now practiced throughout the world, with the most standardized practices in the United States and Canada.
Required Education
In the United States and in Canada, a Naturopathic Doctor can received accreditation for the designation through completion of a four year program of study at Naturopathic medical school that includes not only the study of natural medicine, but also that of conventional medicine and basic health sciences.
Naturopathy is premised on a number of principles. These are; 1. Do not harm by providing the most effective health care with the least amount of patient risk possible. 2. Recognize and respect the self-healing power of nature. 3. Identify and remove the cause of illness and don't simply alleviate symptoms. 4. Inspire and educate rational self-responsibility for health. And 5. Consider and factor in all circumstances for each individual's particular health.

Each Naturopath is trained and specializes in different modalities of alternative treatment therapies. Some of the more popular include acupuncture, applied kinesiology, botanical medicine, color therapy, live blood analysis, and nutritional methods.
Naturopathy is not an uncontroversial division of medicine but many have benefited greatly from naturopathic therapies, including those undergoing mesothelioma cancer treatment. Mesothelioma patients may find naturopathic medicine to be more helpful than traditional invasive therapies like those described in our mesothelioma treatment guide. Many patients have far-outlived initial the mesothelioma prognosis through complementing traditional therapies with naturopathic remedies or even foregoing traditional medicines altogether. It is important to discuss the implementation of any non-traditional therapies into a mesothelioma treatment regiment with your doctors to ensure they do not adversely affect other treatments that may already be prescribed. Many patients suffering with malignant mesothelioma have found Naturopathic medicine to be an effective complement to traditional medicine.