Veterans and Mesothelioma

Although rare, mesothelioma affects veterans from all branches of service: Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. As mesothelioma has a long latency period and can remain dormant for several decades, veterans who served our country from 1930 through 1980 are just now being diagnosed with the disease. 

Navy veterans who worked in navy shipyards and or served on our nation's warships and submarine's from WWII through the Vietnam War were exposed to high concentrations of deadly asbestos and are at a high risk for developing mesothelioma. Boiler rooms, engine rooms, sleeping quarters, and other areas of naval vessels were the most common areas where asbestos was present. As a result, Navy veterans are at a greater risk of developing mesothelioma. Medical support and treatment centers are available to veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. If you are a veteran and believe that you were exposed to asbestos, you should inform your physician during your next visit.