excruciating experience of dying cancer patients can be ameliorated by making
use of Ayurvedic principles. Ayurveda can be helpful in the management of
cancer in many ways such as—prophylactic, palliative, curative and supportive.
Ayurvedic medicines help to improve the quality of life of the patients as
listed below:
- Ayurvedic preparations can act as an adjuvant or a co-therapy along with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is also helpful in post-surgery care.
- Ayurvedic medicines help to minimise the side effects of these therapies.
- Ayurveda helps in reducing the therapeutic doze of the various drugs used as proved in some studies using cow urine.
- They can be helpful in targeting the specific tissues as shown in some allopathic studies on nano-particles of gold.
- Ayurvedic preparations help to slow the progress of cancer in cases where chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is contra-indicated, due to some reasons and patients have no other choice.
- Some Ayurvedic preparations can fight against tumours.
- The cell-protective activity of drugs prescribed in Rasayana therapy helps to improve comfort and the quality of life of individuals with cancer.