Let me describe some of the above benefits of Ayurvedic drugs in cancer patients.

As an Adjuvant or Co-therapy Along With Chemotherapy or Radiation therapy:
 Chemotherapy is the first and significant medical modality of cancer remedy, which involves the introduction of strong chemicals. These chemicals target the fast-multiplying mutant cells. However, the toxicity they cause to normal tissues of the body proves as an obstacle.
The use of antioxidants during chemotherapy enhances therapy by reducing the generation of aldehydes. Natural drugs, which are used as Rasayanas in Ayurveda, have also been proved to have antioxidant properties. 

Most commonly, all the drugs which are used in Rasayana therapy have the ability to reduce the three doshas or imbalances related to vaata, pitta and kapha. The most commonly prescribed Rasayana drugs are Triphala (Terminalia Chebula, Embellica officinale, and Terminalia ballarica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifoia) and Punarnava (Bohhervia diffusa). According to clinical studies, such drugs have shown very impressive effects on protecting body from the side effects (of chemo and radio therapies) like alopecia, nausea, constipation, anorexia and vomiting. The patients who receive Ayurvedic treatment along with chemotherapy have shown more regularity in maintaining the chemotherapy cycles as the hematological levels can be maintained up to a normal state. More than 50 research studies on cancer carried out at various post-graduate institutes, have shown that Ayurvedic preparations are very effective as chemo-preventive and radio-preventive agents.
Interestingly, Snehana, i.e., intake of various medicated oil preparations in a classical way a week or 10 days prior to the start of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, has been found to reduce the toxic effects of such therapies.


Naturopathy is an alternative paradigm of medicine that focuses on nature's remedy and the body's intrinsic ability to heal itself. Naturopathy replaces or greatly diminishes the use of drugs, surgery and chemotherapy in favor of a holistic approach through the use of mineral, diet, and lifestyle-based remedies. While Naturopathy has roots in the Nature Cure movement in Europe, it is now practiced throughout the world, with the most standardized practices in the United States and Canada.
Required Education
In the United States and in Canada, a Naturopathic Doctor can received accreditation for the designation through completion of a four year program of study at Naturopathic medical school that includes not only the study of natural medicine, but also that of conventional medicine and basic health sciences.
Naturopathy is premised on a number of principles. These are; 1. Do not harm by providing the most effective health care with the least amount of patient risk possible. 2. Recognize and respect the self-healing power of nature. 3. Identify and remove the cause of illness and don't simply alleviate symptoms. 4. Inspire and educate rational self-responsibility for health. And 5. Consider and factor in all circumstances for each individual's particular health.

Each Naturopath is trained and specializes in different modalities of alternative treatment therapies. Some of the more popular include acupuncture, applied kinesiology, botanical medicine, color therapy, live blood analysis, and nutritional methods.
Naturopathy is not an uncontroversial division of medicine but many have benefited greatly from naturopathic therapies, including those undergoing mesothelioma cancer treatment. Mesothelioma patients may find naturopathic medicine to be more helpful than traditional invasive therapies like those described in our mesothelioma treatment guide. Many patients have far-outlived initial the mesothelioma prognosis through complementing traditional therapies with naturopathic remedies or even foregoing traditional medicines altogether. It is important to discuss the implementation of any non-traditional therapies into a mesothelioma treatment regiment with your doctors to ensure they do not adversely affect other treatments that may already be prescribed. Many patients suffering with malignant mesothelioma have found Naturopathic medicine to be an effective complement to traditional medicine.


There are essentially two categories of therapy for cancer patients like those with mesothelioma cancer. Clinical therapies, such as chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy are likely the most medicinally beneficial. However, this is not to say that other, complementary therapies are not important as well. These complementary therapies may not be able to cure the disease, but will often treat the holistic wellbeing of the person. Cancer patients, such as those with mesothelioma, often take advantage of these services. One of the more common complementary therapies used by patients with asbestos cancer is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is not for all patients and offers no cure for the disease. However, when used in conjunction with other more traditional therapies, aromatherapy has helped many cancer patient's lives much more manageable as they battle their disease.

Aromatherapy, as a therapy, is a relatively recent phenomenon in the alternative treatment of cancer patients, but its uses can be traced back thousands of years in other capacities. The idea of the therapy is to stimulate the senses and perceptions in such a way to create a relaxing and calm environment. The senses are incredibly related to a given person's levels of anxiety. Therefore, when the senses are relaxed it is possible to ease levels of stress and anxiety in some people. Using certain essential oils, these scents trigger emotional ease, which can be highly valuable for a patient battling terminal illness.
In some cases, aroma therapy will be coupled with massage therapies, which can ease the entire body in both sensory perception and muscle relaxation. In certain trials, certain patients have experienced an easing of symptoms related to chemotherapy, such as nausea and fatigue, when subjected to controlled aromatherapy environments. These trials were not clinical in nature and may not demonstrate the same results in all patients.
It is important to keep in mind with most alternative therapies that they are strictly based on personal preference and results will vary greatly from one patient to another. It is also important to consult with any doctors that a patient may be working with before engaging in any complementary therapies. Although beneficial, the patient needs to be conscious of the goals of the traditional therapies first and ensure they are compromised.

Ayurvedic Herbal Remedy Regarding Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is really a uncommon type of most cancers that evolves in the protecting coating which handles the interior internal organs from the entire body like the lung area, the actual stomach hole and also the center. Environment or even work contact with asbestos is principally thought to be the reason with this situation. The most typical demonstration associated with cancerous mesothelioma is within the actual pleura that handles the actual lung area. Typical signs and symptoms consist of breathlessness, upper body discomfort, assortment of liquid within the pleura, as well as common signs and symptoms for example weight reduction. Analysis of the situation is generally carried out by using upper body x-ray, CT scan check out from the upper body as well as biopsy from the pleura. Signs or symptoms associated with mesothelioma seem almost 20 in order to 50 many years following contact with asbestos. The actual most cancers may distribute in order to additional areas of the body as well as create various nearby signs and symptoms. The current administration of the situation entails surgical treatment, chemotherapy, as well as the radiation, or even a mix of these types of treatment methods; nevertheless, the entire answers are very bad despite mixed remedy. Success following a verified analysis of the situation is actually typically one to two many years. Contact with asbestos might have medico-legal ramifications which situation is generally related to legal cases, looking for payment for that situation.
Ayurvedic herbal remedy with regard to mesothelioma is actually targeted at dealing with the actual tumor, stopping it's distribute in order to additional areas of the body, as well as enhancing the entire success price. Ayurvedic herbal remedy may also be coupled with contemporary administration for example surgical treatment, chemotherapy, as well as the radiation treatment. Due to the intense character associated with mesothelioma, Ayurvedic herbal remedy must be implemented in the very first feasible. Ayurvedic herbal supplements have to get within higher dosages as well as with regard to extented intervals to be able to manage this problem. Because the most common delivering presentations of the illness is within the actual pleura since the lung area, herbal supplements that have a particular appreciation for that lung area and also the pleura are utilized since the pillar associated with remedy within the administration of the situation. Additionally, herbal supplements that have a particular motion about the bloodstream cells will also be utilized in the actual administration associated with mesothelioma. Medications will also be accustomed to avoid the distribute of the situation with the bloodstream as well as lymphatic blood circulation. The actual medications that are best within the administration of the situation come with an anti-inflammatory impact in addition to a good anti-cancer impact. Using this kind of medications consequently assists within managing irritation, an infection, in addition to really eliminating as well as getting rid of the actual most cancers tissue.
As well as the over treatment, Ayurvedic herbal immunomodulatory brokers will also be utilized in higher dosages to be able to increase the defense mechanisms from the affected person in order to assist combat the actual most cancers as well as produce an entire remission from the situation in the very first. A powerful defense mechanisms additionally helps you to preserve the effectiveness of the actual impacted within person as well as provides on the sensation associated with vitality as well as vigor. Based upon the actual demonstration from the illness, systematic treatment can also be provided with regard to signs and symptoms for example upper body an infection, a fever, hemoptysis, pneumothorax, and also the development associated with pus within the pleural liquid. Herbal supplements should also get in order to get rid of the actual lifeless most cancers tissue, poisons, as well as particles produced within the remedy possibly with the gastrointestinal program or even with the kidneys. Medications helpful within treating Mesothelioma consist of Kantakari (Solanum indicum), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Kanchnar Guggulu, as well as Mahamanjishthadi Qadha.
The majority of people impacted along with mesothelioma need intense Ayurvedic herbal treatment for around 12 in order to 15 several weeks to be able to adequately manage the problem as well as considerably enhance the success price. Ayurvedic natural remedy therefore includes a substantial factor in order to perform within the administration as well as remedy associated with mesothelioma.

What Ayurveda Can Do

The excruciating experience of dying cancer patients can be ameliorated by making use of Ayurvedic principles. Ayurveda can be helpful in the management of cancer in many ways such as—prophylactic, palliative, curative and supportive. Ayurvedic medicines help to improve the quality of life of the patients as listed below:
  1. Ayurvedic preparations can act as an adjuvant or a co-therapy along with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is also helpful in post-surgery care.
  2. Ayurvedic medicines help to minimise the side effects of these therapies.
  3. Ayurveda helps in reducing the therapeutic doze of the various drugs used as proved in some studies using cow urine.
  4. They can be helpful in targeting the specific tissues as shown in some allopathic studies on nano-particles of gold.
  5. Ayurvedic preparations help to slow the progress of cancer in cases where chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is contra-indicated, due to some reasons and patients have no other choice.
  6. Some Ayurvedic preparations can fight against tumours.
  7. The cell-protective activity of drugs prescribed in Rasayana therapy helps to improve comfort and the quality of life of individuals with cancer.