Broccoli Sprouts Are An Intense Natural Cancer Cure

Did You Know…that broccoli sprouts are a natural cancer cure, the second leading cause of death in the United States? These humble young plants that look like alfalfa and taste peppery (like radishes) pack a powerful cancer-prevention punch. Natural cancer cure and preventions are gaining increasing attention, since according to the National Cancer Institute, at least 35% of cancer deaths are connected to diet natural cancer cure And while you’ve already heard that broccoli is one of the most powerful natural cancer-fighting super foods available, numerous studies have confirmed that broccoli sprouts offer even more intense benefits than the mature plant. That’s because broccoli is a natural cancer-fighting compounds — such as sulforaphane – are most concentrated in the sprouts. For example, just one ounce of broccoli sprouts contains more sulforaphane than two pounds of broccoli.