When God created the universe, He provided HERBS for food for mankind to survive. Herbs are a kind of vegetable. He had also provided essentially everything for his health and comfort to live in the world.
The Lord said, "Behold, I have given you herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding to you it shall be meat" (Genesis 1:29).
In verse 30, God continued: "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, where in there is life, I have every green herb for meat: and it was so."
From the seeds, man has learnt how to sprout them. Some sprouts are in fact toxic when eaten, like kidney beans. Some sprouts can be cooked to remove the toxin, while others will be toxic either way and should be avoided. So before eating any sprouts, find out if that species is edible as a sprout.
Dr. Rex Munday says brussels sprouts can be used to fight bladder cancer.

A vegetable Kiwis love to hate may be a lifesaver.
Hamilton scientist Rex Munday has found brussels sprouts are great at warding off bladder cancer.
In a two-year experiment set to continue, Dr Munday, a senior scientist at AgResearch at Ruakura, found rats fed with ground broccoli sprouts, which are in the same family as brussels sprouts, were 50 per cent less likely to develop bladder cancer.Bl cancer is diagnosed in more than 300,000 people internationally every year and is the fourth most common cancer in men and the eighth most common in women
international team of researchers has found that vegetables from the cabbage family, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and watercress, can protect against bladder cancer.
The researchers led by New Zealand scientist Dr. Rex Munday discovered that an extract of broccoli sprouts can halve the incidence of bladder cancer in an animal model.

NaturalNews) Eating brussels sprouts and cabbage could help kill cancer cells when combined with traditional chemotherapy, according to new research by British scientists.
A study conducted by University of Leicester researchers and recently presented at the National Cancer Research Conference in Britain found that a naturally occurring compound in green leafy vegetables such as brussels sprouts and cabbage -- indole-3-carbinol (I3C) -- could be a powerful cancer fighter when used in combination with chemotherapy drugs
The researchers fed breast cancer cells 300 to 400 mg of I3C -- which equals roughly a shopping cart full of cabbages -- and found that after supplementation, the cells were then more easily killed when exposed to chemotherapy drugs.

Brussels sprouts' glucosinolates have been shown to help prevent the development of colon cancer in response to exposure to heterocyclic amines, the carcinogenic compounds produced when meat is grilled or otherwise charbroiled. In an animal study published in Carcinogenesis , researchers looked at the effects of drinking water supplemented with Brussels sprouts or red cabbage juices on the liver and colon of laboratory animals that were also given a heterocyclic amine carcinogen.

Brussels sprouts reduced the development of pre-cancerous cells 41-52% in the colon and 27-67% in the liver, and drastically diminished the size (85-91%) of pre-cancerous lesions in the liver. Red cabbage moderately decreased (19-50%) the number of pre-cancerous lesions that developed in the liver and markedly reduced (41-83%) the size of those that did occur. These highly protective effects are due to crucifers' ability to significantly increase the activity of enzymes involved in both Phase I (CYP4501A2) and Phase II (glucuronidation via UDPGT-2) detoxification.

Praise and thank God for His ingenuity in creating the Brussels sprouts which can cure 5 types of cancer, namely, bladder, breast, colon, prostate and liver cancer. No other gods are like our one and only true Almighty God with His limitless power and love for His people can perform such a miracle as this common Brussel Sprouts to preserve life from the most harmful, insidious and treacherous disease of mankind.
God had set up a roadmap of what human beings should eat from the very beginning in the creation of the world but people in their own wisdom decided to act in their own wisdom and forsook the way which God had shown to them to their own detriment. God has revealed His secrets to those who reseached through the ages and now man is reaping the benefits of the research. Man is learning through the hard way through trials and tribulation.
May we learn from our own mistakes what the Bible foretold in ages long ago. Come and worship the One and Only True God. Forsake your false gods and follow the Living God of all ages.